If you'll take a gander over to the sidebar, you may notice that I've added two new links - allow me to explain.
Bestcovery is a site devoted to providing reviews (top five lists) of products by experts along with external links to places in which to procure said items. There are categories that cover just about everything - electronics, apparel, appliances, travel, health and beauty - and take a wild guess who's doing the ranking and reviews for fitness equipment.
I've been over there for about a month and have down 20+ lists, the latest of which include: heart rate monitors, assorted boxing equipment and ab machines. If you're in the market for just about anything, but want some helpful suggestions before shelling out your hard earned green - take a jump over and see what the knowledgeable experts have to say.
The second new link is for Brotherspeak, which is a very well put together online magazine. You may have taken a brief trip over there in the recent past via a link in a post here. I've been writing a monthly fitness column for them since the end of summer, but I think it certainly deserves a link to the main page here - there are plenty of very well written and informative articles on a wide variety of topics over there.
As far as tonight's workout was concerned - all bodyweight: lots of good ol' fashioned push ups, squats and chins. Letting my grip have a break tonight after the recent abuse.
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