Sunday was beautiful in my neck of the woods, so my workout was done completely in the backyard, and pretty much entirely with k-bells and some grippers.
30lb k-bell
100 snatches switch hands every 25 reps
100 swings switch hands every 25 reps
60 cleans switch hands every 10 reps
60 high pulls switch hands every 10 reps
16k bell
3 X 10 Bups each hand
3 X 10 snatches
3 X 10 C & P
Fifteen or so minutes of juggling - same hand flips, hand to hand flips, two hand flips etc. I finished up the k-bell portion of my workout with some BUP tosses from hand to hand and caught it on video...
Finished up the workout by hitting some sets for max reps on my HG200, working my way to 100 reps on each hand.
Good workout!
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