Friday, July 24, 2009

Grippers and Cards

Did lots of gripper work tonight:

Warmed up with the HG150 then proceeded to work my way through a few more HG's a few BB's and some spirited work with the Vulcan. It shouldn't be long before I'm ready to certify CCS with the Vulcan - and I put in a request for a few grippers from John at FBBC (smooth handles like the Vulcan so I could be ready to certify on one of them almost straight away as a result of all of the Vulcan work)

Finished up the workout with some card tearing in interesting fashions - still working on something very innovative for the contest at "The World's Strongest Librarian"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gettin' my Swing on

It's been a while since I brutalized myself with a workout that's main focus was the kettlebell swing - lately it's been deads, squats, snatches and grip. I won't have any of my bells on vacation so I figured today would be a good day to get my swing on!

24K - 200 swings performed in as close to one long set as possible, brief breathers were taken but I didn't put the bell down.

To close the workout out I did a few sets of snatches, a few sets of jerks and a little bit of walking around with the bell held in lockout.

On a non-workout related note, the vacation countdown has officially begun. We're leaving Sunday afternoon, and my mind is already far, far away from: the 9-5, traffic, noisy neighbors and anything else that I don't particularly enjoy encountering on a day to day basis.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Deads and Grip

Twas a busy weekend - we had my daughter's fifth birthday party(ies) on Saturday - the kids party started at one and went until a little after four, then the family party began and it was after ten before it all came to an end. Long day, but lots of fun - the kids (and many of the adults) seemed to have a blast.

Sunday started off sluggishly, but as I crept down into the dungeon for my workout the adrenalin started to flow. This could be one of my last heavy workouts before we head out on vacation so I didn't want to leave anything in the tank - I picked a weight that I wanted to dead for twenty, then grinded (or ground?) out twenty five.

After a few minutes of recovery I hit some plate pinching - nothing too heavy here, just some hand to hand passes with three, then four dimes until they started to slide.

I finished up the workout with some work on the BBSM and a few spirited attempts on the #3 and one quick tear of a poker deck before calling it a day.

I honestly thought that I would be a little beat up today, but I woke up before the alarm feeling great - until I realized that I had to go to work : ^ )

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yesterday's Workout

I set my workout yesterday a little shorter than normal, I've been pushing pretty hard lately and I don't want to get to the point of overtraining - I think heading out on vacation next weekend is going to do my body some good.

I focused my workout around the "20 rep deads" without really attacking too much in the way of assistance exercises.

I warmed up with a few sets of one hand lifts then jumped right into deads. I felt strong and pulled 25 heavy singles, resetting my grip with each rep.

Once the deads were in the books I worked my core with a few sets of side bends and weighted sit ups then gave just a few atempts with each hand on pinching five dimes (all fails).

In and out in around a half hour, but the overall tonnage of the workout was definitely there - despite the session being a little shorter I didn't work with any less intensity.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Yesterday's Work & Some New Equipment

Brief Updates:

Yesterday I decided to make the switch over to 20 rep deadlifts from the 20 rep squats. I was getting to the point that I didn't really feel comfortable with the amount of weight I was using with no means of safety - so the switch made sense. I also worked the blockweights quite a bit in addition to all the deads, so my grip got a heck of a workout.

Yesterday brought the arrival of my new 24K kettlebell, so that means I can start working on the SSST with the weight that I'm actually supposed to be using. Even though I was beat from the workout I couldn't resist a few snatches and BUP's - the thing feels like a beast compared to what I've been using so tomorrow should be lots of torturous fun.

Today my BBSM from Chad Woodall came in the mail as well - the knurling doesn't feel quite as brutal as on the BBSA - I'm looking forward to working with this gripper!

I've been tearing cards quite a bit lately in prep for Josh's virtual comp and loaded up on new decks this weekend, I hadn't torn in a few months prior to last week and am pleasantly surprised at how quickly it's all coming back to me.

I feel like I'm really starting to put all of the pieces together properly - so keep coming back and watch for some BIG things before the Summer is officially over!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Night's Workout and a Special Offer

Man, I haven't been updating the old blog as much as I would like to lately - but it's not because there hasn't been anything going on, quite the contrary in fact. I've begun some training for a virtual card tearing contest over at the World's Strongest Librarian, I've been training strongman events and been working on PLing and mobility - in short I've been a pretty busy dude.

Yesterday was a rousing bout of 20 rep squats along with some intense grip training followed by some card tearing - good fun!

What I'd like to offer to anyone who reads this blog, as my form of appreciation - is the opportunity to have your health and fitness questions answered. I may not be the number one fitness guru on the planet, but I've had some decent accomplishments (I've torn and quartered decks of cards, deadlifted well over 2-1/2 times bw, lifted more than 200lbs with one finger, closed a few pretty decent sized grippers and burst a whole can of soda) and I've also worked with a wide variety of strength, conditioning and nutrition experts so I know at least a thing or two about getting stronger and healthier.

If you've got a health, fitness or nutrition question that you feel the answer to would help you in some way on your route to a better you - fire away. My e-mail address is: - just put "fitness question" in the topic and I'll get back to you with my best answer to your question.

If the response is great and there is any interest, somewhere down the road I may consider offering one-on-one online training/coaching for athletes who have needs beyond just a few questions and who want some serious attention. Stay tuned and in the meantime, send me a question.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yesterday's Workout & New Article

Hope everyone had a safe, happy and exciting 4th, as for me and the family it involved hitting the local parade in the morning, followed by a pretty intense workout, then finally on to a BBQ at my brother's house and watching the fireworks.

The parade was fun, just long and loud enough so the kids didn't get too bored or too scared - some fire engines, marching veterans, string bands and a few rounds fired.

Workout started out slow, I felt like it took me a good ten-fifteen minutes to get really fired up, but once I did it was great. Had a set of twenty reps squats that was as good as they get (legs and lungs on fire, but still a few reps away from bringing breakfast back up) and I've got something new that I'm working on - could have a video up before next weekend.

The BBQ was great, a good crowd of folks and plenty of room for the kids to run rampant without getting into trouble - reminded me of the get togethers we used to have at my parents' and grandparents' houses when I was a kid.

We managed to wake my daughter up to catch most of the fireworks on the ride home, but my son was passed out - all in all it was a great day - hope everyone else has as good a time as we had.

Got a new piece up on TSB, I know how a lot of people want a good structured workout without having to spend a bunch of money - so I reviewed the 100 Pushups workout for anyone interested in blasting out some body weight workouts and reaching a pretty impressive goal in the process.

Reviwing a Freebie - 100 Push Ups

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Good Workout Yesterday & Happy 4th

The boss let us cut out a little early yesterday for the coming three day weekend and I was already hankering to start working out, so the early start coupled with the excitement of an extra day out of the office further fueled my workout energy.

I started off with some mace swinging and kettlebell work to get the blood flowing:

4 sets of the following

Macebell swings X 45
Kettlebell 2 hand swings X 35

No rest between exercises 45 seconds between compound sets.


3 X 5 each side

Strongman event training

Loading and unloading implements to 40" platform

(Implements include a variety of sandbags and a water filled stability ball)

Sets of shouldering and rowing the various bags and stability ball

Finisher was carries for distance, first with 90lb sandbag for 3 X fail, then with the water filled stability ball for 4 X fail.

Thanks for stopping in and I hope everyone has a safe, happy and productive 4th of July weekend!