Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yesterday's Workout & New Article

Hope everyone had a safe, happy and exciting 4th, as for me and the family it involved hitting the local parade in the morning, followed by a pretty intense workout, then finally on to a BBQ at my brother's house and watching the fireworks.

The parade was fun, just long and loud enough so the kids didn't get too bored or too scared - some fire engines, marching veterans, string bands and a few rounds fired.

Workout started out slow, I felt like it took me a good ten-fifteen minutes to get really fired up, but once I did it was great. Had a set of twenty reps squats that was as good as they get (legs and lungs on fire, but still a few reps away from bringing breakfast back up) and I've got something new that I'm working on - could have a video up before next weekend.

The BBQ was great, a good crowd of folks and plenty of room for the kids to run rampant without getting into trouble - reminded me of the get togethers we used to have at my parents' and grandparents' houses when I was a kid.

We managed to wake my daughter up to catch most of the fireworks on the ride home, but my son was passed out - all in all it was a great day - hope everyone else has as good a time as we had.

Got a new piece up on TSB, I know how a lot of people want a good structured workout without having to spend a bunch of money - so I reviewed the 100 Pushups workout for anyone interested in blasting out some body weight workouts and reaching a pretty impressive goal in the process.

Reviwing a Freebie - 100 Push Ups

Hope you enjoy!

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